I purchased the pieces via their ebay store, and when they arrived only a few days later, I immediatly bought more as I was so happy with the quality. The pieces are cast in urethane resin and their vacuum degassing process leaves a near perfect, bubble free, finish. The detail is exceptional and, in my humble opinion, is probably the best I have ever seen.
When it came to painting the Sci-fi modules I decided on a grimy, industrial look. For my inspiration look at the PS3 game Killzone 2 or the film Blade Runner. The paint job was
very simple. Citadel Chaos black spray paint undercoat followed by a heavy drybrushing of Citadel Boltgun Metal. Once dry the models were washed in Citadel Badham Black and when dry, Citadel Devlan wood. Finally I dipped into the depths of my paint box to use a (glass) jar of Miniature Paints Metalic Bronze to highlight the tube, cable and wire details, which I then washed in Devlan mud.
Below are some of the goodies in their final painted form:
2) Sci-fi engineering module (£5.99) Again the figures are Pig Iron.
3) 1/55 scale street furniture bio hazard barrels (£3.25 for 10) The figures are zombies from Coldwar miniatures range - perhaps we have now found the cause of the epidemic!!