
Saturday, 30 July 2011

Gripping Beast Plastic Vikings

Well all it took was a chance comment at Evesham Wargames club that I'd be teaching year 5 children about Vikings next school year; followed by Paul letting me know that Gripping Beast were about to launch a new set of dark ages skirmish rules and before too long I had a box of Gripping Beast's new plastic Vikings.

£17 on Ebay gets you 44 multi pose plastic models. The range of poses and weapons available gives you a good range of completed figures, all of which are well moulded and highly detailed.
I decided to give myself an easier paint job by leaving off a lot of the tiny add ons - belt pouches and daggers, but I don't think it detracts from the finished model.

The pictures below shop the first 11 off the paint bench, they have been painted using a mix of Citadel and Vallejo paints and finished off with shield transfers from Little Big Man Studios.

Only 33 more to go....

Monday, 25 July 2011

British 14th Army in Burma (2)

Following on from my last post, here are the photographs of my next six forgoten 14th. The figures are from The Assault group and the paint scheme is as per the first batch.

More of these to follow in the future, but for now i'm heading back ino the dark ages to paint some Gripping Beast Vikings.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

British 14th Army in Burma

Since I started wargaming, I have always wanted to recreate the Burma Campaign of World War 2 (My Grandfather fought in the 1942 retreat - more about him in a later entry). Sadly no-one produces suitable miniatures to represent the British troops from the early campaign, so I finally opted for troops from the later campaign and Chindit operations.

My first set of figures are from the Assault Group ( ) - lovely figures, but their delivery is bloody poor!

The pictures below show the first six of the paint table.
Paint Scheme:

Uniform - Vallejo Bronze Green; washed with Citadel Devlan mud; dry brushed with two progressively lighter dry brush coats of a Vallejo Bronze Green and Citadel Skull white.

Webbing and Bush hat - Vallejo English uniform; washed with Citadel Devlan mud; dry brushed with Vallejo Khaki.

Puggaree - Vallejo Khaki; washed with Citadel Devlan mud and dry brushed with Vallejo Khaki.

Rifle - Citadel Scorched Brown; highlighted with Citadel Vermin Brown; Citadel Boltgun Metal; washed with Citadel Badam Black.
Face and Arms - Citadel Bronzed Flesh; washed with Citadel Ogryn Flesh; Highlighted with Vallejo Basic Skintone and washed again with Ogryn flesh.

I have six more from The Assault group primed on the paint tray, but I think I will be going to Warlord Games ( for reinforcements!