It's been an age since I've found the time to post an update here, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy! I managed to find time to complete my Heavy Infantry and have now posted the results here.
After base coating the models in Citadel Chaos Black , I then picked out the exposed face area with Citadel bronzed flesh. once this had dried I washed the same are with Citadel Ogryn Flesh wash.
I then painted the whole figure in Citadel Catachan Green.
Next I added the camouflage; first large patches of Citadel Graveyard earth; then smaller patches of Citadel dark flesh - ensuring all the dark flesh patches ajoined graveyard earth patches; finally I added small dots of Citadel Cammo green.
I then painted the webbing pouches in Graveyard earth and Catachan green.
Next I washed the Helmet, armour and webbing pouches in Citadel Devlan mud.
The next step was to paint the weapons and boots Citadel Chaos black. The weapons were then dry brushed with Citadel Boltgun metal. The foresights and buttons on the guns were then painted with the same Boltgun metal, as were any headsets and optical equipment.
I then added Catachan green to the weapon stocks and painted the visors with Citadel shining gold.
The red unit patches and optic lights were made using Vallejo Scarlet.
Finally a vertical stripe of Catachan green was added to the shoulder of officers and a vertical stripe added to NCOs.
The bases were painted with Scorched brown and drybrushed with graveyard earth and bleached bone.
Overall these figures were a joy to paint and I am delighted with the results!
Now to start on the Kolony Militia!